Nelson County Democratic Committee

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August 23 , 2023 Special Working Meeting of the Board of Supervisors

Regarding the Larkin Property -

Attached is the agenda and a copy of the hand outs provided by Architectural Partners, who made a presentation, facilitated the discussion. Lynn Fontana attended the meeting and the summary is from her note. Here are highlights:

· There was discussion of the pros and cons of the Plan D and E, as laid out on the attached.

· Plan D is clearly more expensive and would take longer to realize

· Plan E might also be easier to manage because it's more concentrated.

· Skip Barton asked that the pool be a high priority. Others discussed the need for additional sports given the increase in participation in sports like soccer.

· The BOS members want to find a way for the county citizens to realize the benefits of the facility sooner rather than later.

· Since this project will be done in phases and the first phase must include roads no matter what else is done, the BOS charged Architectural Partners to start with Plan E and

  • Break out the cost of the roads from the cost to the picnic areas.

  • Propose one or two phasing options that would keep the initial cost within the counties debt limit of approximately $15 million

  • Return when those option are available for a follow up discussion.